Feature Update : Distance Rate Delivery Fees added!
By DistroMenu | | 0 Comments |
You can now charge your customers any amount by the
Feature Update : Flat Rate Delivery Fees added!
By DistroMenu | | 0 Comments |
You can now collect a flat rate fee when your
Feature Update : Delivery Tip added!
By DistroMenu | | 0 Comments |
You can now collect tips for your delivery driver.
Feature Update : Delivery Checkout added!
By DistroMenu | | 0 Comments |
You can now let your customers choose between pickup or
Orders Page Update
By DistroMenu | | 0 Comments |
- Trash label has been hidden. - Pickup label changed
Feature Update : Availability Menu added!
By DistroMenu | |
You can now request to have the "Availability Menu' added
Feature Update : Limit Orders Per Hour
By DistroMenu | | 0 Comments |
You can now have your store only allow for so

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