Using the route maker
This will help you save time when you're planning which shops / places you want to visit. This will automatically organize your list of addresses to make the most efficient driving route for you.
- Press the "import" button.
- Paste your list of up to 20 addresses from the column containing the address field in your Prospect Customer Spreedsheet in Google Sheets.
- Press "Import" to confirm the importing of addresses.
- Press "Find Route" to optimize your driving route to be efficient.
- Press "Download" and open in your Google Maps, and start the route.
- Alternatively, press "Fulfil Route" to pull up a list of your stops and to add in the addresses as you go with the "open in google maps" shortcut. You can also check off stops on this list as you go.
- There is also a "RouteXL" App that might be easier to use natively on your phone.